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History of CCEAA


The Cyprus Civil Engineers and Architects Association (CCEAA) was established in 1940 by a group of pioneer Architects and Civil Engineers. However, due to the breakout of WWII it operated unofficially until 1956, when it was registered as a Limited Liability Non-Profitable Company based on its foundation declaration and memorandum.

The first statutory change was made in 1970 aiming to partially establish the two branches, of the Architects and Civil Engineers, as autonomous. A provision was introduced according to which both Branches would be equally represented in the Board of Directors by separately electing delegates from each Branch. Next, with the amendments of 1990, the institution of District Departments was introduced.

New amendments followed in December 1997. According to them, a provision was introduced for the operation of two autonomous Branches within the Association under the naming “Civil Engineers Association” and “Architects Association”, with separated administrative bodies and General Assemblies...more

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